
Menu Planning Monday

This is a great money saving trick that really works.

Menu Planning Monday is a way for you to get organized for the week. I usually organize all of this on a Sunday. I love trying new recipes and seeing what I can do!

Here's our meals this week:

Monday- Salad and Stacked Chicken Enchiladas from Gimme Some Oven!


Tuesday- Cold Poached Salmon and Quinoa Tabbouleh

Wednesday- Left overs

Thursday- OUT!

Friday- Cilantro Ginger Flank Steak and Edamame rice

Saturday- Tasting party at our house. More on that later!

Whats on your menu this week??


prince snow farm said...

Seriously? Please come cook for me! Hope all is well!

KatiePerk said...

All of these look delicious!

Suburban prep said...

I have the hardest time coming up for ideas for dinner for us let alone trying to come up with a meal for my parents (I have been trying to bring them dinner once a week). My parents are in their 80's and both have had serious health issues and medications cause them not to be able to eat certain foods. Lately I have been doing the old stand-by----enchiladas or pasta for them.