
And Then I Danced In The Kitchen

I made some big changes recently. Work was becoming too big. It was taking over everything. It was a black cloud. I stopped enjoying my kids, my husband, my life.

My life is good. It would be a shame not to enjoy it....

So I quit. Stopped. And I'm taking a break.

I want more life. More time with my kids. More moments. More peace. More quiet. I want more of that.

The other day Coco asked me to dance in the kitchen. Her favorite Disney song was on Pandora. So I did. And I cried.

I cried because it had been a long time since I danced.

I cried because I hadn't wanted to dance until then.

And I cried because I was so happy to dance in my kitchen with Coco.

I don't know what comes next. Or what will happen. I'm okay with that. All I know is that I stopped everything. And then I danced in my kitchen.


Ouiser B. said...

Best wishes to you dear!!! Sometimes I forget how magical those "dancing in the kitchen" moments are. Thank you for the reminder. xo

Ouiser B. said...

Best wishes to you dear!!! Sometimes I forget how magical those "dancing in the kitchen" moments are. Thank you for the reminder. xo

Maureen said...

Good for you!

3 Peanuts said...

Congratulations!!! I need to dance more in the kitchen too! I look forward to seeing the next chapter for you!

JR Mazur said...

That is very brave of you to make such a big change, enjoy it!

Catrina D. said...

You were a wonderful boss, and I hope this new change in your life benefits you the way mine did in December. Always the best of luck!

<3 Catrina

Gramspearls said...

And then you made us cry and think.... thank you.

Warmly, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Best wishes! It's nice that you have the opportunity and ability to choose whether you work or not. I'm sure there are many who wish they were in your shoes..

Anonymous said...

Life has a way of making us stop and dance in the kitchen. I KNOW something better is on the way. You gave it your all. It's time for something new.


Debra said...

Congrats! I don't think you will ever regret this decision. Work will be there, your kids are only small once (cliche, I know, but very true!)

eas said...

A big high five and butt bump to you girl! You should always want to dance in the kitchen and I'm so happy for you!