
A Hickie From Kenickie is Like a Hallmark Card

From time to time a mark will show up on my kids bodies. Since I am not ALWAYS with them I ask:

"What happened?"

I get the usual response. "I fell".

This time when I noticed a big red mark on Landon I was curious. It was very big and red and STRANGE looking. I asked about it.

"What happened?"

"I don't know".

"Does it hurt?"


I pinch and poke it. He doesn't flinch. It takes forever to go away. I even text a few doctor friends. I am worried! Is it a blood clot? A rare disease? Skin cancer? WHAT IS IT!

Finally it goes away.

Then Landon comes in the room and shows me another mark on his arm that looks EXACTLY like the other only farther up the arm.

"Mommy look!"

OMG. It's back. That blood clot mark! My baby!

"I was sucking on my arm and look what happened!!"

Yes. My son gave himself a hickie.

At least it's not serious.

What really uspets me is I didn't recognize it. Clearly it's been a while. I'm no "Pink Lady", but I've had my share of hickies.

Don't tell husband.


Lilly Forever! said...

Oh that is so funny! Thanks for the chuckle!

prince snow farm said...

Too funny! When did we get that old?

sfitzg2 said...


3 Peanuts said...

So funny! Kate had done the exact same thing recently!!!!! Loved Grease!

Hillcrest Acres said...

Oh my funny!!!

Pink Flamingo said...

That is too funny...a million thank yous for a great laugh!

Lori said...

LOL!! Well, I'm glad he's okay, had to giggle at the "pinched and poked", I do that when the boys have bumps and bruises (as boys often do) and they're always like "mommmm, that hurts!" lol

MCW said...

That is hysterical! I got one in high school and walked around in a turtleneck in May. Prop made it a little more obvious!

MCW said...

That is hysterical! I got one in high school and walked around in a turtleneck in May. Prop made it a little more obvious!

Preppy Coastee said...

That is too funny. My son used to do that when he was first learning to hold his head u and when it would get too heavy fr him he would lay it on his arm and then just suck on it.