What are you an EXPERT in? Channeling Lisa Nichols! SUPER SOUL SUNDAY

Lisa Nichols, if you have not heard her speak or read one of her books, is kind of a whirling dervish of realness and humor and love. She is just someone you could listen to forever and her story is COMPELLING.

She went from public assistance to MILLIONAIRE. I watched this video and I could NOT TURN IT OFF.

I had never heard of her but when I stumbled upon her I loved her. She is inspiring! Her site is HERE.http://www.motivatingthemasses.com/home/

One of the things she talked about that really struck me was when she asked:

What are you an EXPERT in? Everybody's an expert in something. Good or bad. She claimed that she was an expert in GETTING BACK UP. She had been knocked down so many times she could not count. She was not looking at that with negativity but instead saying she was an expert in PULLING HERSELF together and MOVING ON.


I feel it. I feel like I'm an EXPERT IN GETTING BACK UP too. I don't want to be. I wish I wasn't sometimes. BUT I AM.

I got back up when my parents divorced
I got back up when I couldn't have a baby
I got back up when artificial insemination didn't work
I got back up when my baby didn't come home from the hospital for 52 days
I got back up when my baby had a stroke
I got back up when they told me he might lose his arm.
I got back up when I got the 100th medical bill
I got back up when they tried to throw me out of preschool for blogging
I got back up when we almost lost our house
I got back up when my daughter was in the hospital for weeks with an illness we couldn't name
I got back up when my company went under

And it's hard to get back up. And sometimes I DON'T WANT TO GET BACK UP. And lately I feel myself having to GET BACK UP AGAIN.


So I will.
And I do.
And I am.

Thank you Lisa Nichols.